Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

"Yours Entirely"

Dear... “Yours Entirely”


Hello. You mentioned in your letter that you would look forward to a response, maybe not from me specifically, but from someone. This letter may not reach you, it may be lost in a dozen other voices, a hundred, a thousand other souls all calling out for understanding, for a chance to be listened to. To all of these people, all crying out into the dark, I have this letter. I am listening. I attempt to understand, though full comprehension is nearly impossible, it does not help to be negative.

I think that we spend most of our lives looking for someone to see us. I think a lot of people forget their own image along the way, and live a half truth, an attempt to convince themselves they have been seen, by changing their appearance to match what other perceived of them. If something has brought us together, there could surely be no better reason than this.

To the letter promising love, published in hope of a reply, I want you to know that I fully return your feelings, I am in love with your perceptiveness, your ability to see what others take for granted, and often miss entirely. I am in love with the way you write to the world, to a stranger, giving what you can into a potential black hole, the depths of the internet do not guarantee discovery. I am in love with your bravery, and your promises. So, to you, and to everyone I have never met, I confess, I am in love with the way your mind works, and I encourage you to keep expressing it.

From... Someone who read it