Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... God


I don't know why my life is so fucked up. Sorry for using that word but I seriously don't know what to do.

I have college to complete, I don't have a job and I'm away from my family. My family can't support me anymore, my sister doesn't want to help me. I know you are going to say ‘help yourself, make your own opportunities’ but I'm tired of people saying ‘we already have another person, try again for a job.’

I think I should not give up but I just can't do anything, I feel helpless.

Tomorrow is my birthday and for the first time in my life I want to wish for myself because all I've asked from you in past years is my family's happiness. But this year I hope you hear me, I need your help. I want you to suggest something for me. I hope you can hear me.

Sorry mom and dad, I'm not a daughter you want. Sorry for everything. I can't deal with this anymore and yes I'm crying but all I know is that I'm not that weak person. I can't give up like this. I want to do things right but God this time I need your help.

So please help me to find a job so I can be a daughter my parents want.

Thank you for everything you did in my life and for everything I have.

Stranger - don't worry I don't have any suicidal thoughts I'm just emotional right now.

From… Stranger in this world