Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Myself


I am here because I want you to read this some years down the line.

You will not be alone - even if you embrace loneliness.
You won't hurt, because you decided to leave.

It's okay to leave, if only you were taught this. But learn now. You are the most matured you will ever be. It's disheartening if the people you wanted the most want to leave. The decision will break you, make you suicidal and lonely.
But carry on.

The people you don't want to hurt will be hurt the most if you run away. Stay for them even if you are broken.
Trust few. Keep shut. Cry alone.
Only a few from hereon will be there for you.

Remember how you learnt to hug yourself? Hug yourself still. You will never leave you.

Let people go if they have decided. Be quiet, demured and accept.
They were never there.
You will smile again, I promise.

From… Broken you