Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Letters Anonymous Team

Dear... Letters Anonymous Team


Hello, I hope you are doing well. I just want to let you know that you are doing a great job, a generous act, and something nice in this world full of bad things.

I sent a letter earlier, because I just needed to let things out. I wanted to talk about something without anyone knowing me. I was able to do that here on your site. After doing that, I went to your FAQs and I learned about your process.

It might be difficult for you since you might be reading hundreds and thousands of letters everyday. And most of them might have thoughts from people like me who needs to be heard. The fact that we letter senders know that someone is reading our thoughts, even if you can't post it, really helps.
We feel heard, listened to. This is something that we can't find in our environment.

I hope the best for your site, and for those who might read this (you really don't have to post this, I just wanted to thank you all), don't worry and don't be afraid.

Someone is listening, and you are not alone.

I wish something makes you smile or makes your heart happy today.

From... someone who cares