Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Friend


I want you to know that my 2019 was really rough. My dreams are all turned down and drowning after these experiences. It's hard, because you're already there and have reached the stairs, but suddenly you fall from a high ground.

Things are getting so hard that it's hard for you now to get up and start it again. I don't know yet how to start after returning back home. This time, I feel less hope. Sometimes, I feel these things happened because I was punished or have a bad karma after having an ugly relationship. 2019 is really hard. I lost everything from getting my goal. My 2019 was really bad and full of struggles.

I don't know what will happen this coming year, 2020. Whatever will come, I hope the game will change and that I could be happy this time.

For now, this is my letter my dear friend. I just want to let you know, that my 2019 is full sorrowful.

From... Your friendly anonymous