Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Self In The Future

Dear... Self In The Future


It's 12 mn. You have been crying for the last hour. Your eyes are swollen and your heart is broken.
This might be the lowest point in your life.
You're a few days away from your birthday.
You used to look forward to it.

But now you just want to leave.
You want your sibling to get well soon, he's been sick for a long time.
Your mother has been through a lot. She lost all the good things she worked hard for, just to give you a good future.
She deserves to be happy, now that she's getting old.
But she can't. She needs to be around for your sick brother.

I'm just so sad. I feel like the only way to make things right, is to let the love of my life go, or for me to go.

I feel like everything will be fine if I just leave, so things will be better for them. My heart is so broken right now.

Holidays are coming but I don't feel anything.
I used to be so happy seeing the colorful blinking lights, and feeling the cold air.

But now I just feel so sad and helpless.

There's just so many things I want for my family but I feel like I'm the one holding them back.

I really don't know what to do.

If ever this gets posted and when I read it in the future, I hope things are better.

They always say that things get better over time.

I hope when I read this again, things are all right.
And my heart is no longer broken.


From... My 12 MN Self