Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Dad


It hurt when I found out you moved on.
Not from my mother, but from me.

I knew you didn’t love her anymore, 
and she didn’t feel anything for you either.
You weren’t married, you weren’t together.

But we could have still been family, you and I.

You became so distant, 
eventually more time spent apart than together. 

Months between phone calls,
my Christmas present was an sms,
and then nothing on my birthday.

I began to wonder if you still loved me.

Your little princess became a young woman,
and you missed it.

I saw you with her, your new woman.
I don’t even know if she is your wife.

Worse yet, I saw him and he looked just like you.
Holding his hand, like how you used to hold mine.
The both of you so happy, he called you daddy.

You didn’t see me, and I was right there.
It had been so long, you had forgotten me.
I wish I could forget you too.

I am an adult now,
and you have missed so much.

I guess it is time for me to move on.

From… Your daughter