Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Dylan


I’m sorry. I hope you’re okay. I hope you know how wonderful you are. How much I loved you. You deserve everything. You deserve peace with your mind.

We met when I was so young. We were so young. I remember living 45 minutes away, yet we still made it work. You loved me more than anyone ever will. We were together through it all. Every single day you did every thing you could to make me happy. We were happy. You pop up in many of my favorite past memories. I hope I was there for some of yours.

Thank you for supporting me. For loving me when I was crazy, for loving me with all of you. What we had was real. It will always be real. And I’ll never forget it, not ever. Not a day goes by, with a song on the radio, where I don’t think of you. We had a whole life, a whole future.

I love you Dylan. I hold with me our memories forever.

May you love again.

From… The girl that got away