Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

No One

Dear... No One


I was always into school, I was the successful girl that your parents always compared you to. But I was never really happy. I was thinking maybe I'll be a doctor someday, since I won a place at the science high school. But I didn't want to go there; I had to be the pretty girl. I never smiled because I wanted to change my school.

I just want to dance. This is who I am. But my parents just told me I have to graduate at that school. I gave up on that idea. I wanted to go on a dance course. They didn't accept it. My parents are tough. Our relationship has never been good. I don’t have any friends too. I just want to make my dancing wish come true. Maybe I am selfish, but is it my fault? I want determine my future. My parents can't do it.

There is no reason to be alive if I'm not going to live life that I want. But maybe there is some hope out there. I am not happy. I haven’t been happy for many years.

I know it’s a complicated letter. Sorry if I annoyed you.

From... anyone