Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Fearless Dreamer

Dear… Fearless Dreamer


Where are you? I hope you'll come back, I just can't seem to start again. I find myself merely walking face down on this road in this strange place. I can't seem to have direction, I don’t know how to hope again.

How do I bring back my desire to hope again? I can't even trust myself no more. It's just so painful to ever go back again. I never thought I would come to this point where I would be tired of my dreams.

I always thought that I could start again, but It's just not that easy. Though I have given it my best, it just went to waste. How could you give me false hope? How could you put me on the highest peak and drop me on the ground? I may be physically whole and complete, but it felt like my bones were crushed to pieces and I can't seem to stand.

I wanted to scream and let this out but even the loudest sound I could ever produce won't make me any better. How could I be stuck in the same place for a prolonged time? I'm trying to let it go but it just won't go away.

I'm tired of trying to prove myself. I'm tired of trying to fit in. I'm tired of hoping it will soon come to reality if I would just hold on a little bit, but a repeated downfall just brings up the hurt. Can I start again? I wanted to forget the past, including you, because remembering you is breaking my heart.

From… noreason13