Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Reedan


In case, just in case, you're wondering what's up with me lately and why am I behaving like this. The answer isn't simple.

As you know, things have gotten difficult for me these days. With all the hardships in life that I'm facing it's difficult to think clearly. And then your sudden silence has bothered me too.
You do know how much I like to spend my time connecting with you. I miss that. I think you miss them as well, but I could be wrong!

Anyway, this isn't about you. It's about me! I need to relax and calm myself down, because I'm not being my usual self. Things are pretty rough. I need time to take care of myself, I need time to be alone and take care of my mental health. And when I say I need time, don't just (please don't) assume that I don't like you anymore. Because that's not true at all! I love you so much that it hurts, but I realise what I am doing is good for both of us. I am giving you time to consider what you want.

Now, I am not doing anything dramatic. It might take a long period of time or just one day, time is never the goal. The goal is finding my happiness. The smile I used to wear has been buried under grief and worries and I want to find it out. I'm here, right beside you, whenever you want to talk to me. I love you!

From... Somebody