Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Richard


I had let you go. I know I did. But even in this anonymous letter, I want to call you like how I used to. Mahal, do you know that I miss you so much?

It's really ironic cause I can't even remember how you smell anymore and how you look in close contact. I just miss the feeling, baby.

Love, I hope that you can feel my longing for you. I hope that even though it's been so long since we last saw each other, longer than the days we were together, I sincerely hope that you can feel even just a little of how painful it is when I sometimes think of you.

I want to tell you how well I eat, baby. I want to let you know that I'm doing the things I love again. I can even focus on work sometimes without thinking of you and crying. But then there are times like this when I'll suddenly remember you and it hurts. It hurts that I was just a woman you dated so that you could forget her. It hurts that you really did not love me. It hurts to think that the happiness I prayed for you was not for us. But you know what? I like the thought that you're happy and I don't want to disturb that happiness that is why I never texted or called you after we broke up, or should I say officially broke up.

Mahal, I hope you are sleeping peacefully right now without having any bad dreams. I hope that she wipes your back so that you won't cough. I hope she does not make your eyes red from crying or from lack of sleep, you know how I hated seeing you with those red eyes.

Before I end this letter, I just want to ask. Do you still look at the moon?

From... Someone you won't even remember anymore