Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Past, Present and Future Me

Dear... Past, Present and Future Me


To my past self, I wish I could care for you as much as I do for myself right now. I wish I could hug you during all those nights you felt alone. I know how much it hurt to fall asleep filled with sadness, a deep void in that heart of yours.

If I could blame it on love maybe I would, but your circumstances were not like that were they? Thank you for trying no matter how hard times have gotten, because of you I live. And thrive.

To my present self, college has begun and it's hard for you now, isn't it? You're an independent woman who is surviving through all of this without fear because you know you can do it. I feel free, for the first time in ages. Thank you to my past self for keeping my young spirit alive. I love you and always will.

To my future self, I hope you are where you want to be. Wherever it is I know it is for the best because I trust you more than anybody else on the face of this planet. I just want us to be everything that our younger self aspired to be during all those days and nights dreaming about how life would turn out for a young girl like her.

I will keeping loving you because, after all, it is you who has been there for me since the beginning and will be there till the end.

Stay young, love. Do not let your spirit die, please...
