Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Jack ~ Beautifully Broken

Dear... Jack ~ Beautifully Broken


Hey Jack,
hope you’re doing alright.
I wrote this for you but never had the guts to give it to you, so here it goes.

Jack. I see you. I feel you. I hear you. And I want to understand you. You are not a lost cause. You’re not invisible. The world hasn’t given up on you. I haven’t given up on you. I’m here to help. You don’t need your wall when you’re with me. I’m here for you.

Lay your heavy head on my shoulder. And I’ll hold the weight of your mind for you. Put your broken heart in my lap. And I’ll see it back together with fine thread for you. I’d do anything. For you. Don’t fear me my love. Don’t walk away my dear. I was made to guide you. I was made to hold you. I was made. For you. Until the day your wings are broken no longer. Until the day your heart and mind are at war no longer. Until your hands are callused no longer. I will be here for you. And when that day comes. You will move forward with your head held high and will never look back. And when that day comes. I will slowly drift into the back of your heart where I’ll simply reduce to dust and softly vanish. Until the day comes where you need me once more. And I’ll come as the wind. And I’ll come as the rain. And I’d do it again and again. All for you jack. For you.

From… z