Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Rebecca


It’s been years since we talked last.
I’m not entirely sure what happened.
Did we fight? I don’t know.

You lied to me, straight to my face.
When you were called out on it, you lied some more.
The lies didn’t stop until you literally invented a new personality
and claimed that it was ‘her’ that did wrong and not you.
But that didn’t work did it?

You may have a different name now, but you will always be Rebecca. The strange girl who felt the need to lie to everyone that cared about her.

You can’t just lie to people that you were raped just for attention.
Or brag about using people for their money.
Or brag about cheating on your partner.
It wasn’t fair when you stole money and blamed it on me.
And I didn’t appreciate it when you pretended to be poor whilst living in a multimillion dollar house.

I don’t think I will ever understand why you did the things you did.

Your pathetic attempt at being internet famous is entertaining, though. I bet you’re glad you quit your job for your two twitch viewers.

Good luck.

From... Gab