Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... You


I've read a few letters here.
If you were to stumble across mine, and you have had a rough day because your depression kicked in, once again, I want to thank you, for hanging in there.
For staying alive.
For not giving up on yourself.
You are so strong, and you are so much stronger than you think you are.

I, myself, am battling with depression. Living day by day, is hard for me.
I feel like I am a robot.
Waking up every morning, going to work every day, going home, sleeping.
It is all part of a cycle, that has been programmed for me to do.
It is all habitual.
I feel like I don't have any reason to stay alive.

Everyone has it differently. But the last stray of hope and reasoning that keeps me alive in this filthy world is my family.
My father, my mother, and my brother.
The thought that they will blame themselves if I die is the only thing that keeps me alive, and "well".

Your life is hard.
Waking up every morning, and not feeling grateful for it.
Going to sleep, wishing for it to be your last sleep almost every night.
You live a hard life, and yet you survive.
Thank you for being alive. And please continue to fight.
Just like me, find your reasons to stay alive, and hang on to that for your dear life.
We have to survive.

From... Me, who is trying to stay alive