Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Bullies


I know you were bringing me down a long time ago, but your words still haunt me like it was yesterday.

That 'weird girl' who didn't want to stand up for herself or fight back, still exists somewhere. I changed up my look, my location and part of my international identity just to feel more different than before.

I've gotten more hobbies over time and started practicing. The only problem is, I still admit that I'm nothing. If you saw me now, I think you'd still think of me as 'ugly' or 'that same weirdo you used to know'.

I constantly scream bad words at random people in my old hometown where you guys still live. Just to practice in case I meet one of you and you dare to be mean. I still dislike you all in a way of hatred that beats all the love in my heart because you've been so cruel. Screaming at me in the locker rooms, taking my friends and dignity away from me, even making fun of my mom, yelling and cursing at me during P.E, calling me ugly and weird and last but not least, pulling my chair away.

I'm pretty sure you guys all wished my bad karma upon me because you hate me so much. Cry over your own pathetic lives. Don't bring others down. Look how you made me feel. Look what you made me do. You don't deserve me coming to any of your school reunions.

I want to be free of your torment once and for all.

From...Some girl you used to call all kinds of names