Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Scary Monsters Under My Bed And Inside My Head

Dear... Scary Monsters Under My Bed And Inside My Head


I think I might be depressed and suicidal.

I think I've been thinking for too long of what it would be like if I was gone, would they notice? Would they care? I wonder.

I've also been thinking what might be the best way for it to happen, not that I'm planning it or anything, just thinking.

I think it's about time someone told me to get over it because it's just a momentary kind of thing, oh wait, they have been telling me that since even before I knew I was depressed.

What a funny world, people really do give you the disease then offer you the medicine. I don't even know if that makes any sense, but that's how it feels like lately.

I'm just really tired. I think I wanna go away for a while. Maybe a long while. Just to rest.

I hope things get better, but I highly doubt it.

From... me