Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... People


Have you asked once, what's the meaning of life? Is there any objective one? I don't think so. Maybe it exists but we are not capable of knowing, is the truth.

Subjectively, there are infinite meanings. Each one arises from different situations. Biologically we are here to evolve in order to perpetuate our species. It's present in all living things.

Outside that collective meaning we have the one we construct ourselves. Maybe you follow what society thinks is 'good' or maybe you have passed time to think what you want. Maybe you can't follow your own because personal circumstances limit that freedom.

Outside living things, you can ask a rock about its purpose and there not be an answer. Without any kind of brain or consciousness we can't create a meaning.

Again, inside the human level, by being alive and taking part in society we are already completing the biological meaning. But in our individuality what do we think we should do? One option to distract ourselves during this life is to improve ourselves constantly, upgrade your skills, your life if you prefer.

Meaning or not, we will be on this planet for many years. Luck.

From... Another soul