Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

St End

Dear... St End


Everyone had that one friend growing up. The one that you could share your dreams with. The one that you could have a secret language with that nobody else knew about (remember burgle jurgle?) The one that you always thought you would grow old with, no matter what. But then life happened. Circumstances changed, and you left me. But that could never stop a bond as strong as ours, right? Distance should mean nothing when it feels like the love you have for someone could stretch out across the entire universe. Yet somehow it did. 409.2 miles, that's all. But still too much.

Remember when I gave you the 'Best Friends' necklace? We argued over who would get the 'be fri' side, because, well, it had 'fri' in it. And who doesn't love fries? But then you lost it. Five minutes later. While we wrestled in the grass. Even then, barely 11 years old, I knew that had to mean something. I tried to brush it off. It was just an unfortunate coincidence. You went to the orthodontist later that day, so you never knew how long I spent crawling in the grass, even when it started raining, looking for your half. I never found it.

I haven't seen you since August. I guess that's not an unbearable amount of time, but what is unbearable is how much I've forgotten about you. It had been six and a half months since I had even thought about you, when I found it. Your half. Dangling off the back of my desk. I don't know how it got there. I don't know how I never noticed it all these years. I'm sure I never brought it home, but there it was. I'm not gonna give it to you. In all honesty, you're not my best friend. That was a long time ago. But I hope someday you will know that I found it, and that I still love you, and that we will always have that connection, no matter where in this big wide world we are. You have a place in my heart that no one else can fill, and I just want you to know that. That's all.

From... Be Fri