Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

I Just Need To Get It Out There

Dear... I Just Need To Get It Out There


I'm unhappy with my life, especially with the people who are supposed to support me. The people I call my friends, I'm unhappy with them. I feel so detached, like I'm drifting from them. Truth is, I'm so so different from them. I seem to have nothing in common with them, and the things I want to do they don't want to do.

I have no one to rely on and to pour my heart out too and so it makes me feel so fucking alone. There's so much to my story than what you're (maybe) reading. I've felt like this for a while, but I can't change it because I'm finishing school in a few months and I can't see how I can meet more people and form a strong friendship. It takes me a long time to trust and open up with a person, so I don't see how I can find my soulmate (friend version) out of school and remain close with them without seeing them everyday. I wish I could write down everything from my head onto here because there's so much going on but I don't know how to write it all down.

I'm just so, so, fucking alone. I can't talk to anyone, because the people I was closest with are drifting apart from me or just don't give a shit about me. I'm always helping certain people and taking the time to listen to their problems, but when it comes to me they don't give a fuck. I'm always asking A how she is and if things are okay, but she never checks to see if I'm okay.

Am I too nice? I pour my heart and soul into that one person and she doesn't give me the slightest care back. I'm done.

From... your friend