Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Work Friend

Dear... Work Friend


We’re both married, and I never want that to change. I never crossed the line with you and you respected me the same. But you cannot deny our connection. Your calls, texts, were something I looked forward to. I never stopped being in love with her, my heart simply grew bigger to include you in it too. I miss you. I am sure I did something, said something, or in some way made you turn off our friendship like a light switch, and because of the lines drawn around us, I cannot even ask you what happened. But I hear your name and my heart skips a beat. My phone rings and I look to see if it is you. I want to know if you miss me too, or if the whole thing was always one sided? We kept it just friends, and yet I feel like I lost so much more. I know in my heart it is better to back off now, before any lines were ever crossed, but dammit, I really miss you. I really miss you and your laugh, your wisdom, your stories and your perspectives on what we do. I am a better human for knowing you, but a sadder one for losing you. I’m sorry for whatever I did.

From... Your friend