Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Anyone


Hi. How are you?
What are you doing right now?
How are you feeling lately?
Are you okay?

I hope that you’re fine. I hope that you’re feeling happy, it doesn’t matter why or how, all that matters is that you feel happy. I care about you, even if it’s just for a second, a minute or an hour. You were on my mind, and my heart felt for you. I hope that you know that you are important. It’s not because of anything weird, it’s because you are you. I don’t know who you are, and I don’t need to. I just want to let you know that it’s alright to feel sad, it’s alright to be selfish, it’s alright to be mad. It’s alright to feel empty sometimes.

Face what you’ll have to face. Learn what you’ll have to learn. Feel what you’ll have to feel. Be strong. If you’ve always been someone who puts others before themselves all the time, think of yourself. It’s alright to not think of others. It’s okay to not have enough love for others. Prioritise yourself. You are important and you should acknowledge that. You have to accept your own heart before giving it to others.

Eat well, sleep well, and drink enough water. Find your definition of happiness and contentment. Be sad if you want to be sad, be mad if you want to be mad. Remember that your life, is in your own damn hands. Take responsibility of it. No one should ever have to feel like they are out of control.

Live well. Fulfil what you need to fulfil. You control your own destiny.

From... someone who cares about you, even if it’s for a nanosecond.