Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... A


I never knew what it really meant to love someone, I never knew what it meant to care beyond your wildest expectations about another person. You brought out the best, worst, everything in me. I love you so much, I still think about you every day of my life. You are still my person, you are my first love, the one who got away. Although you were meant to be mine… you and I come from the same place… the place of deep souls... searching in this cold and lonely world always misunderstood.

When we first met around this time last year from the first glance I swear I knew you’d mean the whole world to that you’d become my world. From the first kiss… oh how it fed my soul... I wish I could look into your eyes and you mine... I wish I could touch your face and feel your warmth when you hugged me…

I still remember our last kiss...

You told me to meet you in our secret spot, when I walked into the empty room you were in a back corner and I thought “where is he?” and you just wanted to watch me walk in caught off guard... then I looked back at you and you called me beautiful with your entire being... you hugged me and told me how much you loved me and I told you I loved you too... you kissed me... lord if I’d known that was the last time... if I had known...

We walked back out into the world and pretended that we weren’t each others worlds.

Our love was forbidden for many reasons.

And I may never get to see you again... you’ll move on with your situation and life... I’ll become a distant memory to you... the 8 months we spent together will turn into a 5 minute dream…

I’ll move on too of course, as I should…

But please understand that for me you were it. For me you will always be it. For me you are life itself you are the air I breath and I will I always choose you... maybe in our next life we can meet again and I can be for you and you can be for me... we can live a simple life together... somewhere far away... with nothing but each other… I love you so much. I will always love you.

As I’ve told you before, when we get to heaven and god asks me who I’d like to spend my life with in heaven, I will choose you. Then we can be together with no shame... at least if I couldn’t have you in this life I will get you in heaven.

Yellow - Coldplay

From... Honey..