Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Nebula


It’s 2:06am. What I would like to do is call someone in my family. But it’s never been an option for me. My family has never been close like that. I wish we had been. I wonder if we were, would we be able to discuss life in depth or have to stay superficial? Does a relationship exist with an adult and their parents that involves no boundaries?

Hey mom, life is very complicated and contradictory. I’m not doing everything I can to make it less so. I sometimes wish I wasn’t born. I sometimes wish I wouldn’t wake up. I dislike a lot of areas of my character, but I can’t live my truth. I wish there was a reset button. I wish I was created on some other planet and completely different than anything I’ve ever known. Would I still be a parasite regardless of what organism I’m created to be?

From... Creature