Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

My Soul Mate

Dear... My Soul Mate


Hello! I've missed you.

It's been so long since we've last spoken, lifetimes ago.

I'm sorry to say that I don't actually remember what you look like, my love. I lack the ability to recall what came before - only carrying with me the hope that we might meet again.

Oh, yes! I'd forgotten to mention! I bear a new name now - a new face as well! Unfortunately, I don't care much for either; my name drags on with long and foreign syllables, and my face grows more lines of worry everyday.

However, I'm sure, that if you were to utter this name and gently hold this face in your hands - I could grow to like it.

Ah, forgive me. I might be a little too forward.

The truth is, I've been looking for you everywhere in the little time I've existed in this body.

I thought I found you, a couple times. A fluffy-haired boy with a funny grin. A smart girl with the sweetest of voices. A close friend, that never even knew I suspected.

Dead ends. Year after year.

It's draining, my love. Looking for a person you've never known.

I nearly gave up, quite a few times actually.

But don't worry, I haven't yet. Not yet.

I want to meet you. I want to learn everything about you, everything you're willing to share with me.

Where did you come from? What do you hope to become?

Are you a girl? A boy? Perhaps neither; perhaps both?

Are you across the world, or are you just next door?

Who are you?

My heart burns with questions. I wonder if yours does too.

I long for a hint, a sign. Anything to put me on the path towards you. Anything to show me you're still there, to keep me searching.

And I see them.

A quiet moment in the woods, a loving hum in a song, a stroke of a brush on canvas, and a laugh shared with those near.

I see you in those moments, my love, and I know that I have already met you.

Will you recognize me when you meet me?

I don't know who I was once was.

I do know that that I am different. I'm tired. Cowardly. Full of flaws and imperfections.

Will you see through the haze of my faults to find me, or will it be because of my flaws that you know who I am?

Perhaps it is not my time to know yet. I'm still growing up, after all.

I'd like to be a better person when you meet me. I'd like to be as complete as I can be. Then I might be worthy to hold you in my arms once more.

I will keep missing you, but the hope of you will drive me forward.

Until we cross paths again, my love. Good bye.

From... Your Soul Mate