Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

The One I Think Is The One

Dear... The One I Think Is The One


Hi. We've been through a lot huh? It seems like a waste of time sometimes. I wish we could start over. So many emotions, and I've only known you since July. This has occupied so much of my time. It's kind of crazy to think that you can take up so much space in my mind. I guess you really must be worth it.

Aside from that, I like you a lot. You're there for me all the time, and you always know how to make me smile. I appreciate that. It's 3am. We're still talking. I want this to work and I know you do too. I hope soon I'll be able to be with you. I can't wait to hug you. I miss you.

Sending love.

From... the one you think is the one