Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Anyone Who Might Read This

Dear... Anyone Who Might Read This


I need help, and I know I've been pretending that I don't need it.
I used to have everything good, I thought everything was going well and I'd let it pass and forgot to be grateful.

I used to have a great job, and was supposed to have another one, but I got greedy. Now it seems like I lost both.
I felt too confident with myself and trusted myself too much.
Got my head held up too high, now it's been shot to the ground.

I might be unemployed soon, and the holidays are coming up.
I can't share this with my family since they all think everything is going well
and they all depend on me.
I tried sharing this to my significant other, but it kinda made him mad that I'm getting ahead of myself again.
Maybe I’m just too paranoid.
I do not have the updates yet, but I'm already thinking of the worst.
Cause when I expect the best, it usually gets shut down and puts me lower than where I was.

I guess I’m just a mess who counted on myself too much
thinking I could do anything.
Got controlled by my own greed.
Forgot to be grateful,
forgot to be humble
and forgot to do the best
and now I’m expecting the worst.
And I just have to share it, let it out.

If anyone reads this, I hope you don't mess up as well.
Count your blessings and work harder when you think you're already working hard;
nothing is ever too enough,
and i should have known this months before.

I hope you do well and hear something great before this week ends.
Life is not being too nice for me, but I hope it does for you.
You deserve it, knowing you just read a stranger's selfish rant.
I really wish you smile and hear something great today.

Smile, and be thankful. Thank you for reading.

From... an ungrateful sad person