Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Whoever Sees This

Dear... Whoever Sees This


As they laid their hand upon my cheek,
I wish they saw the pain that lie beneath,
The little breaths as I near slipped away,
and the small cuts that hold my shame.
So as they laid their hand on me,
did they think of the things they cannot see,
the near last breath,
the near last tear,
the red marks on my canvas,
that was once so clear.
Each line shows a new name,
each line shows a new pain,
but they took it as a game,
so now as they see me here,
do they think about if their name would’ve helped the canvas be clear.
They don’t know,
the largest streak was left from them,
the one on my heart,
from each time I hear,
their name,
each time I see their face,
each of those things made it hurt,
just one more day.
Next time their hands is upon a girl’s cheek,
think about each little thing that could,
possibly lie beneath,
could be a scar like mine they left,
could be a name that made them feel shamed,
please be the reason they choose to stay,
not the reason that makes them slowly,
slip away.
But to stay,
Just for ONE day,
the whole world could change
they could see the blade
see the scar
they could see them combine from afar
maybe they wouldn’t cut as far.
If there were the reasons you stay.
take pride each day,
you saved a life,
that’s more than most could say.
YOU may have ruined my life,
but showed me what love was like,
they took my heart and left it broke
but some how I’ll learn to cope.
But their hand,
the one I held,
is the same one that made me cry,
My hand took the blade,
it sliced away the pain,
I used what I had to numb my veins,
My 5 seconds left weren’t much of a scream,
but more of a smile,
til I heard the door creek,
someone walked in my room,
saw what I did,
took my hand and called 911,
to save what’s left,
but all they did,
was made me want,
but to be put to rest.

From... A.L.J.C