Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Meant to be Wife

Dear... Meant to be Wife


The big “L” word.

Feared by many and yet we all fall at the feet of our biggest fear because of the happiness it promises.

We, as people, live for the joyful things we find in life. We long for something more, for something bigger.

Sometimes we see the greater things in love itself. It makes us blind, yes. But, simultaneously, it makes us see so much clearer - it gives us a glimpse of a place we always wanted to be.

As a teenager love was one of the most interesting, yet darkest subjects.
And it's only human nature to be drawn towards what could be in the dark. But we have to decide: Are we brave enough to explore the dark rooms. Or do we close our eyes and walk to the next room?

Some will stop and take a peek only to find that the dark room has a mystery. Do we search for our inner peace and explore the mystery or do we close our eyes and move on? When we do walk onto the unknown we will discover, early in our journey, that the adventure we started is a lifetime of unanswered questions.

When do we actually realize that we have met the person of our dreams?

The one that you want to spend every earthly minute you have left, together. When will the mystery end? With the limited knowledge that I have gathered I have learned that not all people make the right choice.

Not making the right choice is, in fact, one of my biggest fears. Do you jump into the unknown and face everything head on? When do you decide to stop and take a breath? I need to gather a few accessories before I can continue my adventure.

Do you believe in love at first sight, or will you be joining the mutual feeling that it only happens in movies and story books?

When I first saw her my world stood still. I didn’t understand what was happening. Why is this happening to me? I will never be worthy of this amazing young woman. It was at a busy intersection. Hundreds of strangers passing each other not even sharing a smile.

I see the automatic door opens. Could it be? Heart pounding! Suddenly the intersection comes to a hold. This beautiful young lady emerges from the busy crowd. Everything goes into slow motion…

Why is this happening? I’m not ready for this shit. Our eyes meet. I can feel my heart pounding offbeat.
Of course I hold my pose. I don’t believe in this kind of love, remember. And in fact, we are still so young. Puppy love!

It has been a while now. The feeling hasn’t gone away. In fact, it only grows stronger. I really cannot explain how. You see the thing is… I’m scared. Scared of how she is feeling. Yes, I haven’t told her how I feel. I know how she feels about love. It’s crazy and overrated. For the weak. Mutual feeling, I guess? How can I be so weak to fall for love.

Bare with me.

I recently read “The Little book of Philosophy”. Love. And I do apologize for the quote but I also do hope that it touches you as it touched me.

“Eros, philia, agape:” – a type of love from the Greek – “the love which takes, which knows only joy or suffering, possession or loss; the love which rejoices in sharing, which wishes happiness on those who make us happy; lastly, the love which accepts and protects, which gives of itself, abandons itself, which no longer needs to be-loved… I love you in all of these ways: I take it eagerly, I joyfully share your life, your bed, your love, I give myself, abandon myself tenderly…”

This is the best part… thank you for being what you are: thank you for being, and for helping me to be!

The only part now is for me to confess… Will it be worth it? Will it be a mistake?

I am someone that loves to live on the edge? But confessing this long hidden truth is a little too extreme for me…

But why not take it to the ultimate challenge? If not, why not.

Yours sincerely,

From... The Guy that messed up