Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Justin


My love for you is the sweetest.
It makes me the happiest.
I've learned so much about myself because of it.
I feel so happy to express my love to you, even if in secret.
It fills me with an energy and eagerness for life like nothing else does.
You are my muse and my love.
My creativity and motivation bursts forth from within me because of you.
I feel the happiness emitting from me with each idea I create.

I've never felt such a sweetness and happiness before.
I can only imagine how sweet it would feel if I could ever feel you inside me again. The thought of it gives me such a pleasurable sensation, and it fills my heart with excitement and warmth. It touches my soul.

I love you, darling. I love your sweet words, your gentle voice, and your caring messages, even if to me they feel as though they are shrouded in a dense mist. But for you and me, my dear, I will find my way through anything.

I have learned to love myself through you. And I do what I do for you as much as I do for me. The greatest gift I can give myself is the freedom to love you as I please.

You are truly a wonderful person and a trusted friend. I'll always have you in my heart.

Sleep well, my dearest love. I wish to see you soon.

From... Afreen