Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... You


I know it’s hard and it’s strange. And someone told and wrote somewhere it’s because of our sins. It’s all because we never care what our actions may do. It’s because we hated more than we loved.
It’s because we could not fight for the ones we loved. We preferred ignorance and our self marketing was throwing us to unreal worlds we became part of and forgot the ones that needed us.
We tried to build ourselves and forgot the ones who dreamed of water and food. We became formal and cold.
And once someone ate a bat or even made something so dangerous. We joked and laughed at them. Even said that our country won’t be in this as we are strong, we won’t we infected.
Now our reality is strict and painful.
Life is telling us to love and take care.
You never know when your last breathe will be.
Your purpose is to be. To love. To take care. And live, not to exist but live!
Don’t lose control. We will change.

Never lose the hope.

From... Someone who struggles