Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Everyone


I feel so out of place everyday. All my friends play sports and are very serious about them and I don’t like them at all, I’d rather be sitting on my bed watching make-up and cheerleading videos wishing I could do that.

Lunch is very lonely, all the girls sit at the same table and talk about sports (mainly volleyball) and I always sit there and pretend I’m interested but I’m not, and it makes me feel out of place because they talk about the games coming up and when practice is but I didn’t make the team so it doesn’t matter to me.

Of the girls that I talk to there is always one person in the group that you like the most or that you’re the closest to, but for me I’m not that person for anyone.

I’m also a cheerleader but I’m not very liked in that group either. I’ve been in level 1 for 4 years now but I’m starting to get over my mental block and do my backhand spring to get into level 2. Being in level 1 for 4 years I’m very good at the stunting, jumping, and tumbling, making me in the front for a lot.

There’s this girl in my group that’s been in level 1 for nine years now and she thinks that she’s better than me and always talking about how much I suck and that I shouldn’t be in the front. She’s the favourite in the group so whatever she thinks a lot of kids go with it making me disliked on the team so I’m very lonely in cheer.

From... me