Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... 첫사랑


I don't even know where to start but I'm just gonna let my mind flow. I just need to get this out of my chest knowing that we don't have a chance to be together. I know that you like someone else and I get it, she's pretty and she's really nice.

I don't know when I really started liking you but I've always admired you since day 1. It's more than a year now, and I'm still amazed how kind, smart and talented you are. I guess I started liking you when you talking about things I never heard in a normal guy... 生き甲斐, this word will be in my mind forever. I hope I get a chance to talk to you more, but I'm just too shy to talk to you. Whenever you listen to an artist I really want to recommend you some things but it just stayed in my playlist of "songs I wish I could send to you".

See, I really like you a lot.. there's a lot of pretty and nice girls out there that probably like you too, so don't be sad.
I know that you can reach anything with your natural talent... I wish I could tell you how much I appreciate all the things that you do.

I'll remain here in the left side corner of the room. Rehearsing the things I want to say to you.

Thank you for helping me out on the things that I don’t know which is most of the things to be honest.

You're really cute..

From... "yellow paper..."