Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Ageism


I send endless resumes to potential posts. I get the phone call. It goes well, and I get another phone call, then another. They are thrilled. They can't wait to meet me.
And the in person interview is scheduled, with one, two or three members of the team.
And I show up, and I am over 50.
The nerve!
How dare I not mention that I am ancient?
Why was that not visible on my resume or apparent from the phone interviews?
The sly ones, schedule a video initial call from the start, to avoid wasting their times with oldies.
I ain't old. I have experience. I will show up early. No boyfriends, husbands, kids, family in the area.
I will belong to the job body and soul.
Shall I get Botox, dress in revealing clothes, pretend to be younger?
I love my age. It takes five decades to be at ease in one's skin, know one's self so well.
It takes five decades to know the world, be perceptive, acquire some wisdom.
What is a fifty years old educated gal to do?

From... Still unemployed, and getting older