Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Madam


You have been with me all my life, through thick and thin. You were the one I could talk with late at night when even the stars were asleep and the birds did not crow. You were always there, walking through my doorway, jumping up onto my bed for the night. You were my safety net and now that you are gone there is nothing but cold hard, dry earth to land on. The loss of you in my life shook me. I hurt and grieved for you. I still do.

After your death, moving schools was the hardest thing for me. I often came home in tears after a bad and lonely day, just wanting to share my day with you. But you weren't there. I remember getting home and waiting for you to run around that corner and stand in front of the door, waiting to be let in. But you weren't there.

I crave your presence, the feel of your soft fur beneath my fingers and the warmth of your body as you would curl up in my arms and fall asleep.

In intermediate, a girl in my class asked the teacher if our animals went to heaven. Her short and curt reply was "no." But I know you are up there, looking down at me. Watching over my life and chastising me when I do something wrong. I know you are there, happy and safe from harm. Maybe I know all of this like how birds know to fly to warmer places for the winter. Or maybe I am just convincing myself to believe a false truth to satisfy my deep sorrow. Whatever it is, it does the job well and my conscious is left light leaving me satisfied.

Whichever one it is, the truth or the lie, just know that I remember and cherish our lasting moments together. I love you.

From... your loving friend and companion