Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Unknown


Do I really wanna go up there? Or is it just that side of mine that just start to take the control, or is the little child that cannot do this anymore? Do I really wanna go up there or is just that side of mine that’s thinking if she does it everything will be better?

Let's think about it, okay, I get it, you think that people that are asking for help are actually just asking for attention, but what if is not like this? There are so many people that just ask for help before doing it. If someone really helps them, then it's good, but if that person is asking you for help, what you do at first?

Exactly, you think that is just for attention or is a joke, but try to talk with them, I know that is not enough just to talk with them, but sometimes, that little talk will make that person think twice about what are they gonna do.

Yes, kids have depression. Yes, kids have anxiety. And yes, they need help. So just get the fuck up and go help them, go save someone from suicide, but don't you dare to use that against them later. Don't be stupid. Go and help that girl who is gonna jump off the bridge, go and help that boy who is gonna take an overdose.

And try to talk more with the people around you, maybe one of them needs help.

From... A girl that is trying to not kill herself