Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Best Friends and Him

Dear... Best Friends and Him


I told one of you that I had a crush on him for months, and one week later you told me, "Every time I see him, I end up liking him even more". We would talk and you'd always start telling me things about him and trying to make romantic connections between the two of you.

I told the other of the betrayal I felt when A told me she started liking him. You were shocked that a best friend could do that to the other. Yet, when I went abroad to visit home I found out from A that you started dating my crush one week before my departure in secret. You told A about it but its been 2 months and still haven't told me. You also stopped texting me. Its been me texting you first and you don't make an effort anymore to continue our so-called-friendship.

Him, we are still friends. He used to text me every day and I felt that maybe we were talking too much. I don't want to feel excited when I get your messages everyday because you are in a relationship with my friend. I know how to respect our friendship. You also haven't mentioned your relationship with her, and still say that you will come to my city and visit me this summer.

Let me be able to forgive. To learn from my mistakes and not trust people with my feelings. Let us continue to be friends and move past this. Except I feel I am the only one that truly suffers from this problem.

From... The extra one