Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

"A Sad and Whiny Teenager"

Dear... “A Sad and Whiny Teenager”


I can't find the proper words to say because, there are none.
Your letter made me feel many emotions, and each of them drove me to write this. I don't know if you want someone to answer, I don't know if you want help. But, I want you to know that you are not alone. And you are not forgotten. You exist. You are important. And you are worthy of love and every joy that this life has to give.

I pondered putting hotlines in this letter, but from my personal experience, I know they never helped. Nevertheless, I will leave you with this:
Please keep fighting. Even if it means simple tasks like cleaning your room, getting a shower, cooking some pasta. whatever you need to do in order to stay alive, please do it. For my sake, for the people who love you, for the people who will never forget you.
Stay alive.

From... just another teenager