Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Me


Hey, me. How are you doing? God knows it’s been ages since anyone has asked you that question. It’s been ages since you’ve woken up with notifications from other people on your phone and it’s been ages since anyone has invited you to anything.

A conversation from me to me, how frickin’ miserable. Eh, maybe this is beginning to be quite therapeutic. Me, you’ve never been the social type. Even before you’ve transferred schools you had only a handful of friends, but that was enough for you. Maybe more, even. Those people nourished your soul and fed your imagination. Those people were there for you and they understood you even if you couldn’t open your mouth to find the words. (E, GK, S, M, etc. I frickin’ love you guys so much! I’m sorry I took you all for granted. I’m sorry.)

Me, you’re alone now. Even so, I don’t think you really are very much alone.

After transferring schools, things went kind of downhill from there, socially. People just don’t ‘get’ you. They really don’t. A language barrier just adds to the equation. So alone it is, shutting yourself away from (certain) people.

Teenagers here are mean and very judgmental, but you won’t let that bring you down. Some people are just mean for no reason, therefore giving in is just feeding their egos.

Me, you’ve been through tough times, but things change. Either for the better or for the worst. That is completely out of your control. Though from experience, me, things usually end up okay. Which is more than enough.

From... Me, from a different time