Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Fiancé, Because I Do Love You

Dear... Fiancé, Because I Do Love You


I hate the way you are such a hypocrite.

The way you treat me, like you expect me to clean, cook, and do your laundry (with no thank you, might I add)... then proceed to get mad at me when I am not perfectly organized myself. When you can’t even do the simple task of not leaving your dirty clothes all over our dining table, and we’re constantly tripping over your oh-so-fancy shoes for the new job you wouldn’t have been hired for, if not for me.

I hate that you genuinely act like slamming doors and saying things under your breath is “mature” behaviour.

I hate that you want me to communicate how I’m feeling, but since you won’t do the same, I’m stuck being the bitch, because at least I’m trying.

I hate that you shamed me for being friendly to someone, just because it’s who I am.

Do you expect me to change for you? Did you never meet me?

I hate that I don’t feel like I’m your person anymore... the people you constantly text or play computer games with are filling that role these days.

I hate that today, I questioned everything.

From... The person you asked to marry you