Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Person I Never Met

Dear... Person I Never Met


I wanted to write these naked words to try and express what I think could have happened.
You probably didn't even notice me, but that's completely fine.
You can't see the spell I'm on.

That's right, I'm on some kind of enchantment.
Or at least that's what I think when I look at you.
Your beauty screams to me and yet only my eyes can answer.
Your smile is an arrow that makes my heart fly out of my mouth as soon as it notices how fast it's going to get hit.

And yet you stand there, waving at your friends, completely unaware of what is happening.

I still don't know if I enjoy this or not.
I mean, I do have some memories of you that I'll keep in my mind at all times.

But there's that feeling that tells me to turn around, because you're clearly unreachable.
Nature itself brought us apart, on two opposite sides of a river.
I can only profess my love in a misty dream.
I could try to say something, even a hi or a hello, but I can't.
I can't because I know it would just make this misty dream closer and closer to reality, but they would never meet.
This almost seems unfair, because you look so happy and free.
While I stand here, like a prisoner in his chains.

It's not my fault if we are of the same gender.
My love is way more different than what you might think.

But obviously not everyone understands a bodyless kind of love.
A love which is damned to be aborted.

In my mind, a forbidden thought is hidden.
The secret desire of caressing the side of your face and cheering you up through bad times.

And while I think all of this, you're still there.
Completely unaware of what you're causing.
And you will be forever.

Live the best life you can live. Do it for a stranger observing you.

From... a complex boy