Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... God


I don't know your intentions. I don't know your thoughts. I don't your power. I don't even know if you exist. All I want to say is that I think I understand. I think I understand why things are the way they are. Why I went through the things I went through. Why I have the relationships I have in my life. Why I met my soul mate now and not 5 years ago. And most importantly, why everything is so fucked up.

Dear God, if you exist, I want to make sure you know these things:

Dear God, if you exist, know that I hate you from the bottom of my bottomless heart.

Dear God, if you exist, know that I love you from the bottom of my bottomless heart.

Dear God, if you exist, know that I fear you from the bottom of my bottomless heart.

Dear god, if you exist, know that I hate myself more than I hate you, that I love myself more than I love you, that I fear myself more than I fear you.

From... a truly confused sad being