Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Anyone Here Reading This

Dear... Anyone Here Reading This


It’s not our fault we have mental problems.

Please know that sometimes your brain will try to trick you, it’ll make you believe that you’re all alone and nobody cares about you. But believe me, it’s not true.

Remember you were born to be loved. First by yourself. To me, it was one of the hardest lessons, to learn how to love myself. But I think I’m doing it well.

If I, who used to think that I didn’t deserve to be happy, can persuade myself to think optimistically, so do you.

If you need someone, maybe a stranger to talk to, feel free to contact me at houjichalatte1997@gmail.com. I speak a little English, Korean is a bit more comfortable for me, and Vietnamese as well.

Someone on the internet loves you and wants you to get out of your comfort zone today.

Have a nice day :)

From... Hojicha latte