Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

You Taught Me a Great Lesson in Life

Dear... You Taught Me a Great Lesson in Life


I am sorry for my behaviour after we broke up. You really played a number on me mentally. I behaved in a manner that was so out of character for me, you are not to blame, I myself am, because I allowed you to play with my emotions.

I hope one day you can forgive me as I have forgiven you. Since that day I have been in a downward spiral, but am picking myself up slowly. I have to say thank you though. Without you I wouldn't have become the person I am right, now a person that is so much stronger mentally and will never allow to be in that position again. And I wouldn't have told everyone either.

Thank you for opening my eyes to narcissistic sadist people that thrive on torturing people because they thrive on inflicting pain upon others. Don't get me wrong you weren't the only one that was dishonest, I was after we broke up. I lied that I didn't do it and that guilt had been eating it up till I realised I deserve so much better then you.

Wish you all the best in life though everyone deserves to be happy in life. Only advice I can give you darl is be honest with them from the start even if you don't see a future with them.

Goodbye my second love. I will wait for that day where I can apologise to your face instead of writing it anonymously.

From… Someone that hurt you and asks for forgiveness.