Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... M


Honestly I don't even know where to start. But I feel that writing this directly to you is too hard, so I am hoping that writing this on here will maybe help me feel a bit better.

Simply put, I just don't understand how you could just shut me out like that. In fact, not only me, but our whole group of friends. It all started that summer you finally started going on dates with him. You could have told us and we would have been happy for you, we would have celebrated with you and we would have let you tell us all the stories you wanted. But you chose not to.

And that was okay, we respected your choice and let you be in love with him in peace.

However, it felt unfair that the moment when the red flags started, you came running to us, asking for advice but at the same time ignoring all of it. You were, and still are, way too head over heels for him, or maybe you are just afraid of leaving him. We tried to tell you and we tried to help you but you never did what we told you to do.

Slowly, you became more and more distant from us. You stopped responding in the group chat, you would never come hang out with us and when we asked directly where you were or what you were up to, you would say that you were busy.

Don't you think that it is a bit unfair to only want our attention and time when it was convenient for you?

We tried reconnecting with you, asking you what you had been up to. We know you switched schools, we offered to come visit you and have a good time but you never responded. At some point we even confronted you about it and you promised us that you would change. It was better for a bit but things went back to the way they were soon after that.

You know, honestly, I feel like it is time to let you go, I do not know who you are anymore. The person that you have become is not the person that I became friends with.

It is great to see that you are doing things that you love and things that are exciting. It is great to see that you are still thriving and happy in your relationship.

I hope you know that I am still here for you and that I still think about you from time to time and that I still have all the love and respect for you.

You know where to find me if you want to reconnect but I also want to let you know that I will not be the one reaching out.

I wish you all the best for the rest of your life.

From... a friend that you used to call a sister