Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Parents


You broke me.
You gaslighted me to the point where I questioned reality.
You praised people who led me to hate myself.
You never noticed when I stopped eating or talking.
You never heard the hidden cries and screams for help from the other room.
You never saw how much I was fighting my own mind.
You never noticed how much more your words hurt than your hits.
You never acknowledged my mental health.
Nobody believes me, not even myself anymore.
You made me believe that this was "normal".
You blamed me when I was alone, fighting suicidal thoughts.
My past haunts me and lurks into every moment.
I tried to hate you but I can't, I will never become that monster.
My biggest fear is becoming you.

From... your neglected daughter