Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Woman Who Loved Me

Dear... Woman Who Loved Me


How can I do this to someone I love.

I’m so sorry. I had so many plans for us and I know you had plans for us too. I felt like things were finally right between us.

I was so proud of you and where you were going, and I ruined it. You’ll still move on because that’s who you are and why I fell in love with you.

I wasn’t ready and was scared to lose you so I made promises I couldn’t keep. I gave you a child and took away your youth and the travel that you wanted.

I know you love her but this isn’t what you wanted and it’s my fault it happened, now you’re stuck with me in your life when all you want to do right now is forget me.

I never deserved you, you were always too good of a woman for me and I’m still stuck with my childish ways. I’m not a good man, if I was I would not have done what I did.

I’ll have to live with this now. The reason we didn’t work out was because I cheated, it wasn’t because of anything you did or didn’t do. You were the perfect wife and I threw all that away for some chance to bust a nut.

That was all me and if I cared as much as I say I did I would have never done that to you. I’m lower than dirt because I broke your trust, I fucked up your trust in love, I’m the reason you won’t be able to trust a man that really cares for you as much as I did but was actually good enough to keep his promise.

You deserve better than the way I treated you. I don’t think we’ll ever be able to go back to the way we were. All I can hope for is that you’ll forgive me eventually and me can maybe be friends in the future.

Maybe we weren’t meant to be together but you have to admit we did have some great times. Please don’t forget that it wasn’t all bad.

From... One sorry bastard