Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.

Lost Friend

Dear... Lost Friend


Today I found myself missing you, and I felt like I was re-experiencing the heartbreak that I felt all those years ago. I miss you. I miss your laugh, your voice, our long conversations about music, and just your entire being.

Somedays I put the blame all on you, and other days I bear all the weight myself. Our friendship died out with no closure and that honestly kills me. I still think back to the last day when I knew that we were friends and after that, it's like our relationship never existed. I was heartbroken, and I still am a little hurt. When we started drifting, my feelings about you came into light. I was falling in love with you and I did not realize it until it was too late. I cried for days and thought about it for months. I thought of how much things would have changed had I told you sooner, but I was naive myself.

I'm sorry for never fighting, I'll admit I could have done more to save this friendship, but I was just so tired of being the one to save others. This time I had to let go. Maybe one day we will see each other again. I like to hold onto the promise you made that "we will always be friends forever and nothing will separate us".

From... an old friend