Letters Anonymous is an online platform for people to submit their letters anonymously. Because everyone has a letter to write.


Dear... Butterfly


We met one beautiful day in autumn. I was intrigued by this mysterious young man. His way of expressing his feelings. His way of making me laugh with just a simple word. Oh how amazing those days were. We laughed together and we had few serious conversations but we pulled through because that’s what I thought we had, communication. Guess I was totally wrong huh? Yeah, seems like it. I can’t begin to express how happy I was even though your body was not in front of mine. The idea of you being close to me sent butterflies to my stomach. That reminds me, you like butterflies and you told me not a lot of people knew about that. I felt special, I truly did. This mysterious boy was trusting me with such a simple piece of information but that was enough for me. So many secrets were to unfold in the future but I only got to know one. Maybe if I hadn’t have found out, we would be fine, but living in a world of lies. Every day a single thought of you comes to mind and it all starts with us being happy. By the end of it all I come to the same conclusion; I’m left broken-hearted. So tell me, what was your motive? Was I such an easy target? Maybe it’s my fault for trusting so easily. I am the one to blame. Should I not have trusted you, I wouldn’t be crying right now and writing a letter, as if you’re ever going to read it. Farewell my love, you’ll always be in my heart.

From... your “love”